Posted by aivhm on February 23, 2012 in Spooky Stories |

Do you want to listen to my really spooky story? If yes, here it is.

In 1995 on a December's night a little girl called Anna went with her brother, Nick to the forest to pick up mushrooms. It was one of the warmest nights of December, that's way they had decided to go.

They had already arrived at the centre of the forest, where there was a little park, when suddenly the weather changed. It was cloudy when Anna had an idea; to make a shelter near the bench of the park. As soon as they had finished the shelter it started to rain. Nick called their mum and told her that they were going to stay out for the night. Anna was absolutely terrified but Nick was trying to stay calm.

At midnight Nick was asleep. Anna who couldn't sleep, because she was scared, heard an odd voice so she woke her brother up and went outside to see what was going on. They saw a husky, old man who was crossing the small river from the bridge. All of a sudden he slipped and fell into the water. For his bad luck a few metres away there was a waterfall. The children tried to rescue him but it was a pointless act. Nobody knew him or learnt what happened to him.



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